Peaceful Village Scenes
Concerned Chameleons

Concerned Chameleons

These fellers is obvously concerned abowt somethin. Could be they's not entirely happy abowt their role of "beast of burden" in the village. But then again, they may be discussin pollyticks, sports, bizness or some other topic of the day.

Whut'r yew concerned abowt? Whut rill gits yer goat? What gits the veins to pop owt on yer neck? They's a lotta things that kin git yew all stressed owt, and most of em's not worth the agrivation. Concerned's one thing. Frustrated and upset's another. If yew always deal with the things that rilly concern yew instead of ignorin em, yew'll find yerself continually movin into positive change instead of spinnin yer wheels in the mud of frustration.

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