Buford's World
Web-TP FAQ: Whut abowt software options?

Web-TP F.A.Q. #1:

"But Buford ain't yew fergittin abowt how much $
yew kin make sellin software options fer this thing?"

Naw, cawse I got a whole shipload of options fer this baby...
I call it

Now no Internet product would be complete withowt lots a software options ta nickel an dime ya to death, an thats where TP-Ware comes in.

TP-Ware Software Options fer WEB-TP:


TP-Chat - The Internet's made the whole wurld a global villege, so why be alone in yer bathroom? Chat with a friend in Trinidad whos sittin on his caribbean easy chair... or yer nayber down the street... or yer Aunt Mabel in the downstairs bathroom fer that matter.
  • TP-Tawk - WEB-TP's bilt-in mikerphone makes this option a natchural. TP-Tawk lets yew holler at yer buddies while yer doin yer thing, an yew kin confernce in up ta ten TP-Tawkers at one time! It even has an autymatic Fuddwhacker Noise Filter that keeps yer buddies on the other end from hearin any unwanted background noise from yer end.
  • TP-Zip and TP-Unzip - The names speek fer themselves.
  • TP-News - Fer yew die-hards out there that jest gotta have yer newspaper in the bathroom.
  • TP-TV - We took the reverse tactic on Web-TV with this importint option. Watch yer favrit soaps in a video window while yer surfin the Web in yer easy chair! An yer TP-Rock n Roller is much better fer channel surfin then a push-button remote... jest give the paper a yank an yew'll surf from channel 18 thru ta channel 53 in .002 seconds!

TP-Ware Multi-level Marketing:

I figger that with all these bathroom chats goin on, wurd a mouth will sell this software like hotcakes! So have yerself a TP-Ware party, sign up all yer friends as TP-Ware distributers , wurk yer way up to be a Quadruple-Roll Distributer an win yerself a big yeller Cadilack!

Web-TP F.A.Q. #2:

" Buford, I got 3 durn bathrooms in my trailer...
ain't yew got no special kind of network gizmo fer folks like me?"

Fuddwhacker Consulting, a Division of Roger Reece Seminars
Contact us at: buford@fuddwhacker.com 770-642-9298

Copyright 2014 Roger Reece Seminars, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, all rights reserved