Relationships |
Search the Web and you will find thousands of articles on selling skills. Practical techniques in areas such as prospecting, handling objections and closing are valuable, but one of the most useful sales skills you can acquire is the ability to develop strong and lasting relationships. If you can achieve a level of balance where cultivating relationships is truly your goal, and not simply a technique for closing more sales, you'll find yourself on the road to success in sales and in all aspects of your life.
happiest, most fulfilled and truly successful people are those who have invested
their lives in meaningful relationships. In today's busy world it's often
easy to get so caught up in things, and in the fast-paced activities of life
that our relationships can become neglected, strained or broken. In reality,
people are far more important than things, and if we live our lives with this
understanding, everything we do will take on a greater meaning. Business is also about relationships Relationships are also the key to business success. Employees feel fulfilled in their jobs when their relationships with managers, co-workers and customers are good and they feel good about the company they work for. Customers keep coming back when they are treated well and feel like you really care about them. |
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Does all this mean that management and sales skills are not important? Absolutely not. In fact, a focus on relationship demands that we become competent in our roles in business. But too often, sales people lose to competitors because of a failure to establish a solid, open relationship with the prospect. They had the right product, the right opportunity, the right price, and strong selling skills, but the competitor had the right relationship. The Competent Sales Consultant Whether you are a sales person, general manager or the CEO of your company you are involved in the sales process in some form every day. By increasing your selling skills, you enhance your ability to function competently in your business relationships. The truly competent sales person is a consultant who is able to establish relationships in which he or she provides much needed and appreciated services to clients. Sales are certainly a goal, but they are not the primary goal. A good consultant is a trusted professional who provides guidance in solving business problems. When you effectively fulfill this role in your business relationships, trust grows and sales are one of the outcomes. Conversely, when your primary goal is to make a sale at any cost, your prospect's natural tendency is to resist. If You Build It They Will Come What is the most effective way of getting the sales to come? Build a solid business relationship based on trust and mutual benefit. If you build the kind of relationships in which your clients view you as a highly competent consultant in areas where they are experiencing problems, you will get sales. More importantly
the relationships you build will serve as conduits between your company and
your clients' companies. These conduits form a network of partnerships that
allow the connected companies to grow and benefit in ways that would otherwise
be impossible. Fresh ideas, new insights and sales will flow through these
relationship conduits. Over time, as the relationships increase in quality
and quantity, the network will expand, and sales will increase as a result.
- Roger Reece Check out our sales seminar, "Build Relationships and the Sales Will Come" |
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