Motivational Keynote Presentation:
"Go Arownd the Mule"

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Buford's keynote speech on determination
Life is full of road blocks

It seems like every time you set a new goal or tackle a major project, a "mule" walks out in front of you and blocks the road. Life's mules come in all forms. The mule that blocks your road today could be some small detail you overlooked, a rule or regulation, or the "system" in general. It could be the weather or some other "act of God." It could be a co-worker, your boss, someone in another department, a relative or your significant other. The mule could even be you. Your own pride, ego, expectations and stubbornness can often be the biggest mules that keep you from achieving your goals.

determination, goal-setting, achievement keynote speechMoving mules

In this fun-filled keynote on determination, Buford P. Fuddwhacker gives you all the ins and outs of dealing with the mules in your life. According to Buford, you'll find out if your road block is a mule when you try to move it. You can get out of your truck, and move an ordinary roadblock out of the way, but a mule won't budge. You can push it, pull it, coax it, or threaten it with a two-by-four... but a mule will out-stubborn your energy every time.

The joy of achievement

Buford stirs up a recipe of high-energy humor and good old fashioned fun in Go Arownd the Mule. If you want to wake up your group and get the enthusiasm flowing, make this program the opening keynote for your conference or meeting. Or, if you want to close your meeting on the highest note possible, close it with Go Arownd the Mule.

Buford uses music, karaoke and country humor as he involves everyone in this exploration of attitude, visualization, goal setting, personal achievement and determination. He spins colorful yarns to make his points, describing two of his own mules; his brother, Leroy and wife, Raylene

Success begins with attitude and the ability to visualize possibilities. Then comes the hard part... carrying your vision forward until it becomes your achievement. Buford calls on "volunteers" from the audience to help him illustrate his points, and involves the whole group in excercises using the Go Arownd the Mule workbook.

Buford speaks on goals in this keynote speechKeep your eye on the goal...
not on the mule!

Buford advises that once you encounter a mule on your path toward achieving your goal, you should simply go around it. goal-oriented achievers in Buford's keynote on determinationHe explains how we tend to set expectations for how we want life to unfold. When our expectations are met, things are great and we push forward with our goals. But when people and circumstances fall below our expectations we don't always adjust to reality. Rather than keeping our goals in focus, we get bent out of shape over our dashed expectations creating a kind of stubbornness in us that distorts our vision.

In Go Arownd the Mule, Buford teaches the difference between determination and stubbornness and touches on some of the most valuable lessons in personal achievement.

Buford Fuddwhacker, motivational speaker - keynote on determination and goals

The perfect keynote for your next conference or meeting

Go Arownd the Mule is the perfect motivational keynote for any conference or meeting where you want to generate enthusiasm and positive attitudes. It can be structured as a one-hour program, or an expanded two-hour program with additional content, exercises and group interaction.

Check out these links to Buford's Keynotes

Read Roger Reece's article,
"Keep Your Eye On the Goal and
Go Around the Mule."

call us for Buford's keynote on goals
Fuddwhacker Consulting, a Division of Roger Reece Seminars
Contact us at: 770-642-9298

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