Stress Management Seminar:

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Seminar on stress management

Are stress, worry, tension and frustration keeping you from enjoying your work?

Are the joy and enthusiasm you once experienced on the job being consumed by stress? Do you find yourself in the midst of unresolved conflict with other employees and departments within your company? Are your personal relationships getting strained? Is your family life undergoing turmoil? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, there's a good chance that you may be caught in The Stress Warp.

Stress has a way of sneaking up on us. Human beings have a tremendous capacity for taking on more responsibilities, projects, activities, worries and frustrations every day, while managing to function efficiently. But for many of us pressure builds up and the subtle effects of stress begin showing up in our relationships and in our general sense of well-being. The Stress Warp is that stressed-out state that we can find ourselves living in that continually robs us of peace, joy and fulfillment.

In this seminar and workshop, Buford P. Fuddwhacker and Roger Reece provide a roadmap for Emerging From the Stress Warp and effectively managing stress.

seminar participants learn stress managementBuford kicks off the seminar with a bang

With balloons, karaoke and kazoos, down-home comedy and crazy on-stage demonstrations by "volunteers" from the audience, Buford delves into the subject of stress management. His interactive style of teaching draws people out to share their experiences in a light-hearted atmosphere of good-natured fun and humor.

Buford teaches stress managementEveryone gets involved in the interaction as Buford sets up a variety of exercises for individuals, partners and groups. In one-on-one dyads, seminar participants explore the sources of stress in their lives and how they respond to it. After each exercise, Buford takes his roving microphone through the audience to allow people to share their insights and self-discoveries.

Group exercises provide the opportunity for dynamic discussions, games and interactions designed to reveal and clarify the causes and effects of stress in individuals and groups both at home and in the workplace.

In the process, Buford provides a variety of tools and techniques for effectively dealing with stressful situations and stress build-up. Seminar participants are trained to use these practical and effective stress management tools during the exercises.

Buford's session could stand alone as a complete seminar in itself, but it's just the first half. He closes by removing his hat, glasses and teeth to introduce Roger Reece, the seminar speaker and facilitator for the second half of the program.

Roger Reece, motivational speakerRoger takes over where Buford leaves off

In the second half of Emerging From the Stress Warp, Roger expands on Buford's teaching and concepts. The primary focus of his session is on relationships: how they can contribute to stress and how they suffer from the effects of stress. Personal relationships as well as working relationships are examined.

Roger explores the differences in people based on background, upbringing, culture and personality. He uses the exercises to allow each seminar participant to examine his or her own biases and personality and makeup as well as temperament and communication style.

Certain people just seem to clash, and Roger provides insights for spotting problems in relationships and working to solve or manage them. Every individual has relationship blindspots that continually give rise to conflict and stress. Roger provides diagnostic tools for uncovering these blindspots and healing relationship stress. These tools are used by seminar participants in individual, partner dialogs and group exercises.

Emerging from The Stress Warp:
a valuable seminar for your organization

This seminar is fun, entertaining and challenging, providing insights and practical tools and techniqes for effective stress management. It is a valuable experience for anyone at any level who wants to be free from the negative effects of stress in his or er work and personal life. It's particularly useful for teams who experience interpersonal friction and for teams from different areas who have difficulties in working together.

stress management workbookEmerging from the Stress Warp can be structured as a half-day or full-day seminar, as part of a larger conference or training program, or as a stand-alone program.

The seminar as well as the workbooks and exercises can be customized to meet your requirements and to meet the needs of the participants.

Looking for a shorter one or two-hour stress management program?
Take a look at Buford's Stress fer Success keynote.

stress management dyad exercise

Seminars and Workshops

call us for motivational speakers and stress management seminars
Fuddwhacker Consulting, a Division of Roger Reece Seminars
Contact us at: 770-642-9298

Copyright 2014 Roger Reece Seminars, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, all rights reserved